Achieving Jenkins Master and Slave Configuration: A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

Step 1: Prepare Your Infrastructure:

Before you start configuring Jenkins Master and Slave nodes, ensure you have the following in place:
  • Master Server: A dedicated server where Jenkins Master will be installed.
  • Slave Machines: The machines where Jenkins Slave nodes will be installed.
  • Network Connectivity: Ensure that the Master and Slave machines can communicate with each other over the network.

Step 2: Install and Configure Jenkins Master

Install Jenkins Master:
On the Master server, follow the installation instructions for Jenkins on your specific operating system. Typically, this involves adding Jenkins' repository and using package managers like apt, yum, or downloading and running the installer.

Access Jenkins Web Interface:
Open a web browser and access Jenkins by navigating to http://your-master-server:8080. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup by entering the initial administrator password (found in the Jenkins logs on the Master server).

Install Plugins:
After initial setup, you can choose which plugins to install. At a minimum, install the "SSH Slaves" and "Credentials" plugins.

Configure Global Security:
Under "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure Global Security," configure security settings, including authentication and authorization options, to secure your Jenkins Master.

Step 3: Set Up Jenkins Slave Nodes

Prepare Slave Machines:

On each Slave machine, ensure Java is installed (same Java version as the Jenkins Master).

Install Jenkins Slave Agent:

Download the Jenkins Slave agent JAR file from the Master server by clicking on "Manage Jenkins" > "Manage Nodes and Clouds" > (Select Node) > "Launch agent via Java Web Start."

Launch Slave Agent:
Run the downloaded JAR file on the Slave machine to start the Jenkins Slave agent. It will connect to the Jenkins Master automatically.

Configure Labels (Optional):
In Jenkins, you can assign labels to Slave nodes to help specify where particular jobs should run. This is especially useful for distributed builds

Step 4: Create and Run Jenkins Jobs

Create a Jenkins Job:
Define the build steps, source code repository, and other job configurations using the Jenkins web interface.

Specify Node for Job:
In the job configuration, you can specify which type of node (label) the job should run on. You can also use the "Restrict where this project can be run" field to specify a particular label or node name.

Step 5: Monitor and Manage Nodes

Monitor Nodes:

Under "Manage Jenkins" > "Manage Nodes and Clouds," you can monitor the status and activity of your Master and Slave nodes.

Manage Nodes:
You can add more Slave nodes or adjust the number of executors on each node based on your workload.

By following these steps, you'll have successfully configured Jenkins in a Master-Slave setup, enabling you to distribute your build and automation tasks efficiently across multiple machines for improved scalability and performance.